
How to Create a Simple Morning Ritual

How we start our morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. If we start with a simple morning ritual that eases us into the day, we can start our day feeling relaxed and at peace. Spending the first moments of the day for ourselves is not only a great way to practice living consciously but also it’s essential for our overall wellbeing.

The Art of Eating Mindfully

The Art of Eating Mindfully: For years my relationship with food was purely hedonistic. While eating can and should be a pleasurable experience, oftentimes it

self reflection questions and rituals for a full moon

Self-Reflection and Connection Rituals for a Full Moon

The presence of the full moon is hard to ignore. Even if you’re not into the world of astrology— the bright light that it casts over the night sky is inescapable. It’s an imposing presence that stands above us as a reminder that we are part of something bigger.

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