7 Ways Your Life Gets Better When You Know Your Core Values

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Have you ever had the feeling that something’s just a little off? Like everything in your life is technically going ok, but you still feel unsettled. Chances are that you’re not living from your core values.

It’s more common than you’d think since we are never taught how to uncover and live by our personal values, rather we’re given a set of values based on where we were born, what religion, political affiliation, and even schools we’ve attended.

Sometimes people get lucky and these values match what their true inner core values are, but most of the time they don’t align 100%. That’s why you hear so many people feeling lost, or why some people have a mid-life crisis.

Most people just live their lives blissfully unaware that they are living by a set of values that aren’t truly their own until it hits them. Either in unhappiness or a vague “how did my life end up like this?” thought.

But since I’m in the business of helping people live consciously, I’ve seen how embracing their own core values helps people, leading to increased fulfillment and joy in their lives. It’s always a truly transformational experience as people uncover their core values and start living by them.

O1. Cultivates Authenticity

Who doesn’t want to be authentic? There’s nothing nice about feeling like you’re not fully yourself, like your playing a part rather than living your truth. 

Living in alignment with your core values allows you to embody the truest vision of your life.

Often, people express a sense of something being slightly off; outwardly, it may seem like they have everything together, but internally, they feel disconnected.

This disconnect happens when we take on values from external sources, and dim our own light. This often happens out of fear of truly being ourselves, or simply not ever reflecting on what we find important.

Which, I’d like to point out doesn’t mean that you’re not being sincere; it just means there is a gap between your internal world and the actions you’re display to the world around us. Typically because of a lack in awareness. 

When you choose to honor your true values, life automatically becomes more aligned as you start to act out of your inner knowing, your authentic self.

Uncovering Your Core Values and Start to Living them

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O2. Increased Confidence

Living from your core values significantly boosts your confidence and self-respect. When your actions align with what you genuinely value, you experience a profound sense of integrity and internal harmony.

This alignment strengthens your moral compass, guiding your decisions with clarity and conviction.

By grounding your self-worth in your own standards rather than seeking external validation, you empower yourself.

This shift allows you to trust your judgment and instincts, laying a solid foundation for self-esteem. Knowing what you stand for makes it easier to say no to things that don’t align with your beliefs, making you less susceptible to external pressures.

When you live true to your values, you feel empowered to be your authentic self, regardless of societal expectations. This empowerment enhances your confidence, as you no longer conform to external molds but live in alignment with your true self.

O3. Makes Decision Making Easier

Ever feel stuck when trying to make a decision? Like you’re constantly second-guessing yourself and wondering if you’re making the right choice?

We’ve all been there. But here’s the thing: knowing your core values can make decision-making so much easier. Let me explain.

When you have a clear sense of what truly matters to you, navigating life’s choices becomes a lot more straightforward. Your core values act like a guiding light, leading you in the right direction.

Instead of feeling lost or overwhelmed, you can approach decisions with confidence because you know they align with what you believe in.

Think about it. When you know your values, you’re less likely to be swayed by external pressures or fleeting trends. You have a solid foundation to stand on, which means less indecision and way less second-guessing.

Your values give you a framework for making choices that resonate with your true self.

I'm not just talking about the Big Life Changing Decisions either

This isn’t just about making the big, life-changing decisions either. It’s about the everyday choices too. Whether it’s deciding how to spend your weekend, choosing what projects to take on at work, or figuring out how to handle a tricky situation with a friend, your core values provide clarity.

They help you prioritize what’s important and let go of what’s not.

By filtering your decisions through the lens of your core values, you ensure that your actions reflect your deepest beliefs and priorities. This consistency not only strengthens your integrity but also makes you feel more authentic and in tune with yourself. It’s like creating a roadmap for your life that leads you toward a more intentional and satisfying journey.

When you know your values, you build a life that feels meaningful and fulfilling. You act with purpose, and every decision you make brings you closer to living the life you truly want. So, take some time to reflect on what your core values are. Write them down, keep them in mind, and let them guide you. Trust me, decision-making will never be the same again.

O4. Connect Deeper

You know that saying that goes you need to love yourself before you can love other people. There’s something similar that happens with knowing our core values, and truly being able to let other people know us.

Think about it, if you’re living by a set of values that isn’t your own, are you truly showing people who you authentically are? Probably not, so you’ll never be able to feel as connected to people as you would if they knew what you truly valued and believed in.

That’s why knowing your core values and living by them deepens your connections with the world and people around you because you’re confidently letting people see your inner world..

Plus, when you consistently show up as your truest self, you attract those who resonate with your genuine nature. By letting people see your truest self, you’re opening you leading to more meaningful and sincere relationships.

By living authentically, you build trust and respect, not only with others but within yourself, empowering you to navigate life with clarity and conviction, ultimately fostering deeper and more meaningful connections.

O5. You Know When You're Out of Alignment

Knowing your core values gives you unmatched clarity when life inevitably gets off track. You can think of your core values as a compass, helping you easily navigate back to your true path.

When you’re clear on what really matters to you, it’s much easier to spot when things aren’t quite right. This awareness allows you to quickly recognize when you’re drifting away from what’s important and make the necessary adjustments to get back on track.

Your core values act as a guiding light, illuminating the way forward even during challenging times. By staying true to what you believe in, you can remain focused on what brings you fulfillment and purpose, ensuring that temporary setbacks don’t derail your long-term goals.

This alignment with your values provides stability and direction, enabling you to face life’s challenges with strength. Ultimately, living in accordance with your core values means that no matter what obstacles arise, you always have a clear roadmap to guide you back to your true path. 

O6. Enhances Mental Well-being

Living in alignment with your values enhances your mental well-being. When your actions resonate with your true self, you cultivate clarity in who you are, what’s important to you, and why.

This clarity brings a deep sense of peace, as you gain a stronger sense of identity and ease internal conflict.

By understanding and embracing your core values, you create a harmonious inner landscape where your thoughts, feelings, and actions are in sync. This harmony not only reduces stress and anxiety but also fosters an appreciation for yourself and what you value, you start to believe and trust in yourself.

As a result, you are empowered to navigate life’s ebbs and flows with confidence and a positive outlook, facing challenges with resilience and poise.

This alignment allows you to trust your judgment and instincts, reinforcing your self-esteem and making it easier to say no to things that don’t align with your beliefs.

By honoring your values, you build a life that is not only mentally stable, but also deeply satisfying, paving the way for a balanced existence. 

O7. Fosters the Self-Awareness Needed for Conscious Living

Understanding your core values boosts self-awareness, helping you live more mindfully. You tune into your motivations, desires, and actions, making it easier to make choices that truly reflect who you are. This conscious living leads to a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

Identifying core values involves digging deep into what really matters to you—your beliefs, principles, and what shapes your view of the world. This process encourages you to reflect on experiences that have shaped you, revealing qualities you admire in others and aspects of yourself that resonate deeply.

Clarifying these values helps you distinguish what society expects from what you genuinely believe. This clarity is freeing; it reduces confusion and inner conflict, strengthening your sense of self and guiding you towards choices that align with your true aspirations.

Exploring your core values also sheds light on your strengths and areas for growth. Through this journey, you uncover talents and qualities you might have overlooked or undervalued. It’s a path of self-discovery that highlights where you excel and where you want to grow in line with your values.

This awareness not only boosts personal growth but also empowers you to navigate life with more authenticity and purpose.

Embracing these insights helps you make decisions that honor your true self, allowing you to live consciously.

Uncovering Your Core Values and Start to Living them

Course Coming soon! Join the Waitlist now for $20 off the course when it launches
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