The most important love in your life is the love that comes from within.
Cultivating that love is simple with the help of these Affirmations for Self Love
We all know people in our lives that seem to glow, they have an ora about them that is contagious and draws people towards them. They don’t have to be what society sets as beautiful, but they still seem to radiate in a different way.
Their secret is self-love.
When you love yourself unconditionally accepting the good with the bad, you gain a deeply rooted sense of self-confidence in who you are. No longer letting external factors sway your perspective of yourself.
Self-love unlocks so many positive things in our lives. It can help us move away from self-destructive behaviors, and lead us to live our truth confidently and unapologetically.
How do you cultivate self-love? One of the best things you can do is work with positive affirmations.
Why Positive Affirmations for self love Help
Positive Affirmations are a great way to cultivate and deepen your self-love. They combat the negative self-talk that tends to fill up our minds.
We tend to be our own worst critics.
Just think about the things that you tell yourself, it could be that you’re too tall or your nose is too big, that you’re not motivated enough, etc. If you told these things to a friend, would your friend want to still be around you? Probably not— so why do we think it’s ok to talk to ourselves this way?
The thing is that we are used to thinking negative things about ourselves— and often we are uncomfortable with thinking positive things about ourselves because we might see it as being conceded or self-obsessed, but the truth is that loving and accepting yourself is far from being self-centered. Actually, it’s the opposite, because in order to love the people around you, be it family, a partner, etc.
Positive Affirmations for self-love help us get used to hearing the good things about us and help rewire our subconscious minds to take the positive, uplifting thoughts as truth, over the negative self-talk that seeps through.
If you need more convincing on why affirmations work, or how to use affirmations check out this article on How to Use Daily Affirmations to Change Your Life.
Now without further ado, here are 30 Positive Affirmations for Self Love.

30 Positive Affirmations for Self Love
Now, the good stuff- the affirmations.
Feel free to rewrite these affirmations in a way that makes them even more personalized and detailed to your own situation. Think of them as the base, you can add, personalise or spruce them up as much as you want. The most important thing is that you feel them when you are saying them.
I accept myself exactly as I am now.
I accept myself unconditionally.
I accept love from myself.
I am at peace with where I am.
I embrace who I am.
I am perfect, just as I am.
I am creating my own love.
I love myself just as I am today.
I choose to be kind to myself.
I am my own best friend.
It is natural for me to love myself.
I am grateful to be the person I am.
I love each part of myself.
I honor my life.
I appreciate all the ways that I am unique.
I am enough.
I am whole.
I am constantly growing, evolving, and becoming my best self.
I am worthy of unconditional love.
My own love is a priority.
I love my body and all that it does for me.
My imperfections are what make me unique.
Being myself is enough.
I am more than my body.
Today, I choose myself.
I can feel love whenever I choose to.
My own love is enough.
I am exactly who I need to be.
I choose myself.
I am beautiful/gorgeous/unique/special
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