The One Spiritual Practice All Creatives Should Follow


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There’s a reason why the best poets and philosophers find inspiration after meditating in nature and how some of the largest creatives have manifested their big break. Their secret? Following a spiritual practice that’s aligned with their authenticity. 

Spirituality, specifically intuition, and creativity are deeply interlinked. As author Kim Chestney puts it, “Intuition is recognizing our higher path. Creativity is what happens when we follow it.” In short, after you listen to your gut, you can create genuine work that connects and inspires the world around you. And after interviewing just shy of 20 creatives (and counting!) on my podcast, The Intuitive Creative, I continue to find this belief to be true.

Each guest, no matter what their medium, shares the same message: Their intuition guides them in every step they take. 

Here are a few ways these emerging, intuitive creatives – from filmmakers to music producers – follow their inner compass and make their creativity a spiritual practice:

5 Ways Creatives Listen to Their Intuitive Guidance

They Confidentially Jump Into New Projects

When intuitive creatives get the spark to start something new, they follow it. Whether it be taking the leap to start a new business or to take on a new passion project, many of the creatives I’ve had the privilege to interview share this tip with my listeners: Just go for it. (In fact, it’s one of the most popular responses to my question, “What’s one thing you would want listeners to take away from this episode?”)

These creatives have many ways of checking in with themselves when they’re approached with an idea or when an idea comes to them. They feel how the decision resonates with them in their body. 

They check in with both their head and their heart to see if they’re aligned. And if they are, they jump headfirst. If not, they reflect on how they can get there… or if this project should be brought to life by someone else.

They let it guide them to their niche

Intuitive creatives know when they should – and shouldn’t – niche down. Finding a niche that resonates allows them to not only align with their authenticity, but to find and connect with others that share the same interests and beliefs. 

Establishing a niche can create a synergy in communities, and sometimes the world at large, which can inspire new ideas and ways of thinking that better the world.

Creatives who regularly tap into their intuition have a clear understanding of who they are and what they want to share with the world. They don’t get distracted with what society expects them to believe. 

These creatives look inward for direction on whether they should or shouldn’t niche down – not from social media, their colleagues or their loved ones. They meditate on what resonates with their belief system in nature, on a walk or at home.

They Accept When It’s Time to Take a Break…or Pivot

The hardest moment for an intuitive creative is knowing when to draw back from their work. Creatives view their work as an extension of who they are, which makes taking a break even more difficult. But the creatives who allow themselves permission to step away for a few hours, days, weeks, months or even years, know that their work will be waiting for them when they’re in a healthier, better spot. And may even let their passion reignite once again or open a new door of possibility

When the feeling of walking away or pivoting hits an intuitive creative, they accept the feeling, feel it all and determine their next steps once they’re ready. They honor their feelings and keep their heart and mind open to whatever is next – no matter if it means walking away indefinitely from their craft or taking a breather. These creatives know that the universe has something in mind for them and that it’s all a part of their journey. 

They Allow Space for What is Meant for Them

Intuitive creatives are always checking in on their energy and psychic levels. They’re aware of the importance of rest and recharge. They know that leaving extra space on their calendars and for moments of relaxation and fun is the healthiest thing they can do for their creativity. These creatives understand the connection between the mind, body and soul and how everything is interwoven.

Creatives like these don’t overbook themselves and prioritize activities and people that refuel them. They allow space for moments alone and moments spent with their closest circle. They follow their integrity when making plans or appointments and ask themselves: “Is this how I would like to fill my time today?” That question drives their everyday life, which in turn, drives their future. 

They Follow the Nudge to Dream Bigger

It’s no surprise that creatives are always feeling called or drawn to so many dreams. It’s in their nature. It can almost feel overwhelming with how many thoughts and ideas pop into their heads at any given moment. Intuitive creatives lean in and allow their mind to wander, to dream as big as their mind will let them. They don’t run from scary, daunting daydreams, they run towards them knowing that their intuition will let them know if it’s meant for them to take on.

These creatives lean on manifestation methods to help them bring their wildest dreams to life. They allow their minds to wander on long car rides and find inspiration in the small moments throughout their day. Intuitive creatives know that their strongest power is within them and aren’t afraid to share their message with others to make their inner and outer worlds a better place. 

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